Christmas Wish – Christmas Donation Campaign

Our Christmas wish - Future through Education

I – Otto Fischer – have just returned from Rwanda. The projects are going well, including the “Rerera Ejo Hazaza” project – Learning for a good future. Here, 50 children from precarious backgrounds are looked after and provided with food and clothing – the lessons provided ensure education – food means: being fed, because this is the only way learning has a chance.

Despite this progress, there is a gap of 15,000 euros in our annual budget of around 140,000 euros this year. Partly due to outstanding sponsorship contributions, but unfortunately also reduced donations – the increase in prices should also have minimal impact on our association.

Our Christmas wish therefore: Help us to close this gap, Be it through a Christmas donation, by taking out new sponsorships or sharing our association with friends and acquaintances! Because this is the only way our wish can come true!

Donation as usual:

… Every donation helps and provides sustainable support

Thank you

Donation as Present:

… You will receive a donation confirmation before Christmas

Thank you

Donations, but without administrative costs!

We are – we recently found out – apparently the only organization that bears the donation seal and has NO administrative costs. The auditors asked whether this was an error… No, it is not an error. We travel at our own expense, we don’t have an office and the entire board works on a voluntary basis!

On November 19th we celebrated four of our young women and men from our original 50 orphans – on the occasion of their university studies. or training qualification. Thanks to your sponsors, this was possible – thank you very much for that!

With that in mind, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope that we can continue to inspire you with us.

Donations, but without administrative costs!

We are – we recently found out – apparently the only organization that bears the donation seal and has NO administrative costs. The auditors asked whether this is a flauw… No, it is not. We travel at our own expense, we don’t have an office and the entire board works on a voluntary basis!

On November 19th we celebrated four of our young women and men from our original 50 orphans – on the occasion of their university studies. or training qualification. Thanks to your sponsors, this was possible – thank you very much for that!

With that in mind, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and hope that we can continue to inspire you with us.


Donations, but without administrative costs!

We recently learned that we are the only organization that bears the donation seal and has NO administrative costs. The auditors asked whether this was an error… No, it is not an error. We travel at our own expense, have no office and the entire board works on a voluntary basis! On November 19th, we celebrated four of our young women and men from our original 50 orphans – on the occasion of their graduation or training. Thanks to her sponsors, this was possible – thank you very much!