School Sponsorship

With a school sponsorship, you make it possible for the younger children to get a good, high-quality education. A good education is the key to a promising future.

Thank you for your support!

Donate for secure living condition, donate for future

Our sponsorship agreement is available for download here as a PDF.

Sponsorship Agreement

Please print out the contract and send it filled out and signed

You are also welcome to fill out the form below online.

You will receive a message about the completion of the sponsorship to the email address you provided. Please check the spam folder if necessary. We ask you to confirm this message, with which your sponsorship will come into effect.

    [group group-unternehmen clear_on_hide inline]

    [group group-unternehmenAnschrift clear_on_hide inline]



    [group group-eigenerAuftrag clear_on_hide inline]
    Own standing order: Please set up a standing order to our account.

    Payment Reference: School Sponsorship

    Our IBAN: AT61 1200 0515 1669 9851


    [group group-360 clear_on_hide inline]Amount:
    360€ / Year
    [/group][group group-30 clear_on_hide inline]Amount:
    30€ / Month


    [group group-lastschrift clear_on_hide inline]

    I agree to set up a direct debit under the above conditions to the aforementioned account. This can be canceled at any time, if you contact us, and without giving reasons. Please just send us an email to for this.

    [group group-lastschriftNichtMoeglich clear_on_hide]

    Not possible, as you have not provided an Austrian account


    [group group-geburtsdatumOhneIban clear_on_hide]


    [group group-geburtsdatum clear_on_hide]

    [group group-submit clear_on_hide]

    [group group-lastschriftNichtMoeglich clear_on_hide]

    You can only set up a direct debit with an Austrian account with us.


    *indicates required fields


    Bitte drucken Sie den Vertrag aus und senden ihn ausgefüllt und unterzeichnet an

    ✔ A school sponsorship costs 30€/month or 360€/year
    ✔ Your sponsorship is tax deductible (in Austria! See your local information)
    ✔ Your help comes 100% for it – we guarantee (promise)
    ✔ You can terminate your sponsorship at any time without giving reasons